C-level leadership training inspired by social entrepreneurship
Impact Safaris are customised leadership training for C-level executives inspired by social entrepreneurship. Each Safari is grounded in the entrepreneurial ecosystem of a city, and through a series of learning journeys, participants are challenged to solve tasks, explore spaces, and meet the people behind the scenes of the startup ecosystem.
For the BMW Impact Safari, we worked with 30 C-level executives from the BMW Group inspired by the startup ecosystem in Berlin. The Safari awas broken into the core themes, "Driven by Purpose", "The Power of Resilience" and "Collaboration is key". Over a week, the participants met with hand-picked early stage and scaling startups to experience what it takes to be mission-driven, user-centered and resilient. The Safari was hosted in collaboration with in-house leadership development team KickStart, and innovation space Impact Hub Berlin.
As a faciltiator and service designer, I was responsible for session design, workshop tools, and along with two other core faciltiators, coaching the group.